I was wandering around the make up department of a local drug store chain. Checking out lipsticks and what not. It got me wondering how many men have gone out and bought make up for themselves. Sure any phone sex sissy boy right now is going Raine gurl, Seriously? I am not talking about hitting up some cosmetic aisle in the grocery store and tossing in a few random items as you walk by then burying them in your purchase. But ACTUALLY went shopping for make up. Did the sampling of lipstick on the back of your hand to find the right shade. Asked for help. Hell even did a make up trial in the store! Now that would be some serious sissy boy fun. Or would that be too out there for you? Are you more the closeted phone sex sissy boy who is far more comfortable just doing your pretty thing behind closed door? Seems most of your are which is why I started to wonder who out there has actually gone out and did something super girly in public. If you ha...